日本財団 図書館


b)In the case of goods designated in the Notification, the container or package must have passed the inspection conducted by the Minister of Transport with regard to whether the safety standards shall comply with the standards designated in the Notification. However, this shall not apply to the case when the said container or package shall comply with the Standards specified by the regulations of the foreign countries and recognized as adequate by the Minister of Transport;
(2)Radioactive materials etc designted by Notification and to be carried as specified in the following provisions:
a)In the case of radioactive materials etc. specified by Notification, shall be the transportable radioactive articles (radioactive materials, etc. securely enclosed in a container or package; hereinafter the same)listed respectively under the following categories of (i), (ii)or (iv)in accordance with the corresponding classifications of radioactive materials, etc. as prescribed in categories (i), (ii), (iii)and (iv)or transportable radioactive articles other than those transportable radioactive articles listed under the followig categories of (i), (ii), (iii)and (iv)with the approval of the Minister of Transport as specified by Notification. In this case, among the radioactive materials specified in (i), (ii), (iii)and (iv), radioactive materials corresponding to iv)shall be regarded as the transportable radioactive articles listed in iv)in place of the transportable radioactive articles listed in (i), (ii), (iii).
(i)Radioactive materials, etc designated in the Notification as low hazard radioactive materials, etc. - L type transportable articles,
(ii)Radioactive materials etc (except those specified in (i)above)with a level of radioactivity not exceeding the level as may be defined in the Notification - A type tranpsportable articles;
(iii)Radioactive materials, etc (except those specified in (I)above)with a level of radioactivity exceeding the level as may be defined in the Notification under (ii)above - BM type transportable articles or - BU type transportable articles;
(iv)The low specific radioactive materials (referred to as radioactive materials with a low radioactivity density' designated in the Notification as being less dangerous)or the surface stained materials (solid materials, other than radioactive materials, with surface stained by radioactive materials and so designated in the Notification). IP-1 type transportable articles, IP-2 type transportable articles.
b)To observe the technical standards for transportable radioactive articles as specified in the Notification or other standards;
c)In the case of BM type transportable articles or BU type transportable articles specified in a)(iii)above: to obtain the approval of the Minister of Transport as specified in the Notification, before loading, on their conformity with the techinical standards concerning transportable radioactive articles specified in the Notification under b)above. However, the same shall not apply to those transportable radioactive articles which IMI under the category of BU type transportable articles transported from foreign countries to Japan or between foreign countries as specified in the





